Sweet Bonda
Sweet BondaSweet Bonda
Sweet BondaSweet Seedai
Sweet SeedaiSweet Seedai
Sweet SeedaiThinai Murukku
Thinai MurukkuThinai Murukku
Thinai MurukkuThirunelveli Halwa
Thirunelveli HalwaThirunelveli Halwa
Thirunelveli HalwaTomato Murukku
Tomato MurukkuTomato Murukku
Tomato MurukkuTomato Rice Mix
Tomato Rice MixTomato Rice Mix
Tomato Rice MixTomato rice is a simple, spicy, flavorful & delicious one pot dish made with rice, tomatoes, spices & herbs. This tomato rice can be made in a pressure cooker or a pot. If you are looking to use up left
Vallarakeerai Rice Mix
Vallarakeerai Rice MixVallarakeerai Rice Mix
Vallarakeerai Rice MixVathakozhambu Podi
Vathakozhambu PodiVathakozhambu Podi
Vathakozhambu Podivathals is the tamil word for sun dried vegetables or berries. the veggies or berries are soaked in buttermilk for some hours or overnight and later sun dried. in this recipe post i have shared the method of making vatha kuzhambu.